Reviews: Devil's Move
Here, at home, the enemy has a new target. We know the day of the attack, Election Day.
We know very little else.
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“The main character, Alex Hoffman, is incredibly likable and quite a force to be reckoned with.”
Amazon reviewer
“There was a great mix of action, suspense, techno-thriller elements, and much more here that made this a very entertaining read.”
Amazon reviewer
“Very thought provoking.”
Amazon reviewer
“Very suspenseful, many twists, and you will not want to put it down.”
Amazon reviewer
“Continuing excitement and adventure.”
Amazon reviewer
“Fabulous writing, suspenseful, exciting and extremely frightening.”
Amazon reviewer
“Each of the books by this author is so different, no cookie-cutter plots with slightly different sentences.”
Amazon reviewer
“Get this book, you won’t regret it!”
Amazon reviewer
“A political thriller with events that are filled with suspense, espionage, death, intrigue, and ruthlessness.”
Amazon reviewer
“I enjoyed this fast-paced mystery and it kept me in the edge of my seat.”
Amazon reviewer
“All the facts, the places, and people are so well-researched and although scary the whole premise of messing up our elections was so easy to believe.”
Amazon reviewer
“Ms. Wolfe tells a story so masterfully that you can’t be anything but amazed.”
Amazon reviewer
“The topics brought to light in this novel ring true today given our last election cycle.”
Amazon reviewer
“Amazing, deeply multilayered, with expert plotting by the author.”
Amazon reviewer
“This is a fast-paced story that keeps your heart racing and lets you identify with a brilliant, resourceful, young woman who refuses to be intimidated or outwitted”
Amazon reviewer
“This book a must-read for anyone who enjoys a good thriller.”
Amazon reviewer
“It was a fast-paced, high-energy book; probably the best thriller that I’ve read in a long while.”
Amazon reviewer
“This is one of the very best foreign espionage novels ever.”
Amazon reviewer
“I loved the characters and would enjoy reading more!”
Amazon reviewer
“Very exciting read. Great that it didn’t cost a fortune, too.”
Amazon reviewer
“Alex Hoffman we met in “Executive” along with the crew of the Agency are investigating a conspiracy to hijack the American Presidential election. There are lots of interesting characters. Once again I’m holding my breath when Alex is in emanate danger. Another good one.”
Amazon reviewer
“Loved this book! Love the AGENCY! All the characters are amazing! I still am curious how they came upon Alex Hoffman, how they found her. Will we be finding about that in future books?”
Amazon reviewer
“I enjoyed how the plot moved up and down. The way the characters interacted and story line.”
Amazon reviewer
“Words alone cannot adequately describe the greatness of this book. You’re such a good writer.”
Amazon reviewer
“I really liked the book. It made me feel that it was closer to the truth than not. The characters were great. I am looking forward to the next story.”
Amazon reviewer
“Loved this book. Great read. Keeps you on your toes, want more and more. Can’t wait to start the next book.”
Amazon reviewer
“Book 2 in the Alex Hoffman series takes the reader into a story woven from politics, intrigue, deceit, technology development and some intense action. While I was engaged from the first to last page, all I can think of is to read the third book in this series.”
Amazon reviewer
“Exciting and fascinating. Intriguing. I can’t wait to start the next book. I’m hooked. I can’t stop. I am going to read all books by author.”
Amazon reviewer
“Characters are well-defined. Very well written. Looking forward to ending the next one in this series. I like Alex Hoffman.”
Amazon reviewer
“I found this book very difficult to put down. The action and story was constantly moving and changing direction. All the good guys and bad guys were interesting characters. It was a good read!”
Amazon reviewer